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The Hive is Zest Media's customer portal allowing customers to download invoices, track progress and raise support requests

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About Zest! Media - What makes us tick?

Zest! Media - Website Design without the Geek Speak

A successful website or print piece hinges on far more than looks. At Zest! Media we take into account your customers� wants and needs and your strategic objectives, before applying our tried and tested � 4 phase� methodology. We then marry it all up by the power vested in good design.

The 4 phases of the Zest! Media project lifecycle are:

These high-level phases all depend on numerous deliverables and milestones to move the project forward. Our seasoned team of project managers are here to help guide you through the process with clarity and ease. So, where do we start? The first step in your project will be the Discovery Phase.